Thursday, 10 September 2015

We evolve just like Pokemons

Its really hard how we cope up with technology right now,just as the quote says "The only permanent in this world is change"and as we get along with years,developers and engineers discovers more exceeding to what we have expected,they study things that are more for humanity,expanding a person's intelligence.
As years passes by,media also evolves along with us,we would never notice that what media we have today are slowly fading and is being exchanged to a new set of medias.Just like when a most awaited book comes out of the market we'll probably check that book just because we want to keep ourselves up with the trend.
 Hobbies nowadays are those that are everyone's trend example,If a person is using a pen and a paper in this generation,he would constantly feel awkward because everyone around him are using tabs,touchscreens all digitalized,he would then choose to blend with people using the new media. 
However,these medias we have today let's say 3years will be obsolete.I think the point of engineers on making and evolving media is to teach us not to be so attached with what we have today,we need to adapt with the changing of media,because not all the time we are on the same trend as others,just like media we might or might not like but we have to evolve. 
This evolving of media affects me too much,it saddens me just because I have mostly of new media and I realized that yes I have it most but do I still have the guts to use these medias after 5years?I dont think so.
 And the deal here is no matter how awesome it is or the way you own media makes you a cool person will be useless I mean its not new to us that the girl on my school has an Iphone 6 or when that guy who is not a photographer but owns a DSLR its very normal for us to see that most people already had a touch of new media.

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